Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to update samba from 3.0.33 to 3.3.8

How to update samba from 3.0.33 to 3.3.8

1. Backup all your samba related data and configuration files
2. Upgrade your server to Centos 5.4 or 5.5
3. Remove samba, samba-client, samba-common (yum remove package name)
4. Insert your Centos DVD and mount it to your server:
a. mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom/
b. vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Media.repo , and Make sure enabled is set to 1: enabled=1
Save and close the file. To use repo put your DVD and along with the other repos, enter:
# yum --enablerepo=c5-media install pacakge-name
To only use the DVDmedia repo, do this:
# yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=c5-media install samba3x
5. Done.